Wednesday Ramblings | 10 questions with Felicity Nielsen

Happy Wednesday! today, I get to introduce you to a very lovely lady. Felicity is a web designer from the wonderful land of Australia. I've known her for about a year now and she has helped me a lot with my blog so I thought it was about time you all knew who she is!

For those who do not know you - tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am 24 year old lifestyle blogger and blog designer from Australia.  I am obsessed with miniature dachshunds, watching ‘Dexter’ and ‘Friends’, trying out new healthy recipes (check out my blog ( to see some of the recipes that I have shared) and I enjoy spending quality time with my family and friends.

How did you get in to blog designing?
Funnily enough, I never went to College or University to become a graphic designer.  Since finishing high school almost seven years ago, I went on to attain qualifications in justice administration, retail, ICT, primary school education, and (most recently) small business management.  The only thing that remained constant for me throughout my past 7 years of studying was my love for the Internet, playing around with Photoshop, and teaching myself the coding needed to create custom online spaces for myself and anyone else who was interested.  As it turns out, a lot of you were interested, so I decided to take a course in small business management to set myself up to work from home as a full time blog designer. :)

What is it about blog designing that fascinated you? 
The idea that I could turn deceptively boring and simple online spaces into such beautifully unique, refreshing and inspiring places that encourage readers to interact with the writer and to come back to visit again and again.

Besides blog designs what other services do you offer?
At Pursuit of Felicity Designs ( I also offer custom business card and invitation designs, and in the near future I hope to offer premade templates as well as other fun bits and pieces. :)

Is there any advice you would give to someone who wanted to pursue a career in blog designing?
Make an effort to take the time to find out your legal obligations first, and only enter into a business if you have the funds and resources necessary to ensure your future success, but once you’ve done that.. just go for it!  If you’re actively passionate about something then there should be nothing to hold you back.

You work for yourself, are there any drawbacks to doing this?
Of course, but I try to view these drawbacks in a positive light.  Working for myself means a lot more responsibility, but it also means that I am learning and growing a lot more as a person.

Although there are negatives, what are the perks to working for yourself? 
Having creative freedom (within reason), flexibility of working hours, being able to work from home, meeting lots of awesome people, and just feeling a sense of personal accomplishment I guess. :)

You also write your own blog - what topics do you like to blog about?
Mostly lifestyle posts, but I also love writing product reviews, sharing healthy recipes, design freebies etc. as well as the occasional DIY post.

Name 5 of your blog must reads.
Well other than your lovely blog, five blogs that I just love to see pop up in my feed are: Bouquet of Bee (, Couture Girl (, Cream Fox (, Lovely Serendipity ( and Tastes Like Love (

What is the best way for people to contact you? 

Via my blog ( or by email at

Thank you for talking to us Felicity! wish you all the best for the future. 

You can get in touch with Felicity on social media below:

Lots of love
bloglovin' | twitter

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